Remember those days when my mother used to help us out for trekking ... the main help was to support our food by giving us instant mix recipes, on public demand I am adding few of them in next few days .. Scond goes with Instant KhichdiInstant Khichdi - My trek recipesRequired material … [Read more...]
Instant Upma – My trek recipes
Remember those golden days when my mother used to help us out for trekking ...Days without mobile ... days to get lost in jungle ...The main help was to support our food by giving us instant mix recipes, On public demand I am adding few of them in next few days ..First it starts with Instant … [Read more...]
Metkut (मेतकुट) – My Mother’s Recipe in Her Own Handwriting
Yesterday fresh preparations were going on to prepare Metkut (मेतकुट) , for my friends daughter who is having fever ... so thought of jotting down for all of you who miss mother's recipe.It is called as Metkut, a tasty & healthy yellow powder with aroma that one will never ever forget when … [Read more...]
Turmeric pickle (हळदीचे लोणचे) olya haldiche lonche
Hey ! Preparation is going on ... something YELLOW is being cut into pieces !! Guess what ?Yes, it is Turmeric...Through out the year my mother is busy preparing many types of Pickles.Virtually she makes pickle of anything, like Carrot, Karela, Gawar beans, Mango, Lemon, Green Chilli, … [Read more...]