पाहुणे आले कि पटकन काय करायचे असा प्रश्न पडतो अश्या वेळी पटकन करण्यासाठी आम्ही तुम्हाला दाखवणार आहे झणझणीत साजूक तुपातली मटन ते सुद्धा पाणी न घालता अंगच्या पाण्यावर शिजवलेले लुसलुशीत मटण आणि या मटण ला आपण तव्यावर आरामात दम देणार आहोत ज्यामुळे मसाल्यांचा वास त्यातून निघून जात नाही ... Recipe Video … [Read more...]
Kolhapuri chicken recipe in Marathi
Kolhapuri Chicken Curry Recipe in Marathi कोल्हापुरी चिकन रेसिपी मराठी Remember all those blod posts where I have covered आईची खास पाककृती, mothers recipe, and most of the recipes are well appreciated by Marathi people around the world (read all previously posted mothers recipe here)In this … [Read more...]
Haldichi Bhaji (ओल्या हळदीची भाजी) – My Mother’s Recipe Maharastrian Style
If you read the most visited page of my blog it is Metkut (मेतकुट) – My Mother’s Recipe in Her Own Handwriting and now Haldichi Bhaji (ओल्या हळदीची भाजी) only for you all.I got so many phone calls and emails to appreciate the efforts of putting down the recipe with pages from my mothers 40 years … [Read more...]
Marathi Barsa Songs my Mothers Collection [Naming Ceremony]
Here is hand Marathi written lyrics collection of songs for Barsa (Naming ceremony) these are sung as a part of rituals during naming ceremony. Girls and Women will sing it together while the baby being placed in the cradle.I always feel that the old things shall not get lost in matter of time … [Read more...]
Cluster bean pickle recipe [Gaur or Gawar गवारीच्या शेंगांचे लोणचे]
It was years ago when I published my mother’s recipe for Metkut (मेतकुट) which is one of the top hit page of my travel blog !! People keep appreciating and asking for more such Mothers recipes which are normally not written on famous websites ... This is a small effort to add one more special recipe … [Read more...]