In continuation to my last post on Things to do during Camping I am writing next post on type of camping and locations suitable for you.Its obvious that latest trend is to spend sleepless nights during camping with enjoyment of Guitar music, bonfire, games and ghost stories ... rather … [Read more...]
Marathi Famous Songs for Children. Kids Lyrics
Mamachya gavala Jauya झुक झुक झुक झुक अगीनगाडी धुरांच्या रेघा हवेत काढी पळती झाडे पाहूया मामाच्या गावाला जाऊया…मामाचा गाव मोठा सोन्याचांदीच्या पेठा शोभा पाहुन येऊया मामाच्या गावाला जाऊया…मामाची बायको गोरटी म्हणेल कुठली पोरटी भाच्यांची नावे सांगूया मामाच्या गावाला जाऊया…मामाची … [Read more...]
Things to do during Camping ?
Now that you have decided to spend time with your friends and family and got bored of going inside a hotel !Then best way is to go for camping, which will be different experience by itself.Forget about internet, television, movies, whats app, facebook and just be in yourself, at least one … [Read more...]
Rohida Fort Trek (Vichitragad Trek)
Me : OMG my hair looks so perfect !!Wind : One second Girl.Reading this while browsing some random quote pages on the internet, explained the exact emotion I had while I was on my last trek to Rohida fort. If you ever want to follow the quote “Going where the wind blows”, trust me this is … [Read more...]
Tung Fort Trek aka Kathingad Trek
After an adventure to Tikona fort, the second monsoon trek which we chose was Tung Fort aka “Kathingad”.Below is some basic information about the trek: Tung Fort Trek aka Kathingad TrekAnother Name of the fort KathingadBase Village TungwadiGPS Direction Name Tung … [Read more...]