Latest Instruction for all Kataldhara trekkers :
Dhar = flowing water
& Again this Sunday we will be there to enjoy the water fall of Katal Dhar …
Basic information on Kataldhar Lonavla trek
Located in Ulhas valley at Lonavala, on the way to Rajmachi, this is beautiful waterfall with nice swimming pond 🙂 (be careful if the water flow is more due to heavy rains)
Difficulty level
Medium to hard level, the last patch is difficult and needs rope to reach to the bottom of waterfall
Experienced trekker is needed as guide since many trekkers lost their way in this valley.
What to see !
Heavenly waterfall 🙂 and enjoy swimming (be careful !)
Place to stay/take food
before descending down to the waterfall there is cave where you can keep your sacks or other option is under the waterfall there is a huge cave (see photographs below) where you can stay or take your food (staying in rainy season is not recommended)
Ullas vally near Lonavala
Basic information on Kataldhar Lonavla trek
Located in Ulhas valley at Lonavala, on the way to Rajmachi, this is
beautiful waterfall with nice swimming pond 🙂 (be careful if the water
flow is more due to heavy rains)
Difficulty level
Medium to hard level, the last patch is difficult and needs rope to reach to the bottom of waterfall
Experienced trekker is needed as guide since many trekkers lost their way in this valley.
What to see !
Heavenly waterfall 🙂 and enjoy swimming (be careful !)
Place to stay/take food
before descending down to the waterfall there is cave where you can keep
your sacks or other option is under the waterfall there is a huge cave
(see photographs below) where you can stay or take your food (staying in
rainy season is not recommended)
How to reach
Distance from Lonavala ~7 Kilometers, ahead of Kune Gaon & on the way to Rajmachi
Identification to get down to vally;
see photo at end of post, two mango trees are the only mark available, u
must get down from that location, there is no other way.
range available – BSNL, IDEA, Vodaphone mobile range is available in
this Vally, so better to have one of this sim card with u s as 2 use in
case of emergency
1) this is semi-hard trek, u must have proper trekking gears for this trek
2) Odomas or any other mosquito repellent is necessary
3) Full sleeves shirt & proper full pant is must
4) at the last patch where u get down to the water fall, rope is required due to difficult rock patch
Markings on the way by keeping three stones one above another is done
by FONA team, carefully follow them, due to density of forest there r
chances to loose track easily
6) do not take undue risks in the
waterfall, the water falling down gets doubled in minutes as per the
rain fall rate .. so risky
Here is the refreshing snap shot of
Kataldhara … the one of the remaining untamed nature of Maharashtra
… clean … fresh .. untouched from PLASTIC BOTTLES & GARBAGE
Caves below the water fall .. once you are inside these caves .. you will be able to feel the quantum of water flowing in a minute ! you will forget all the tensions you have & purely enjoy the beauty of nature … this is the spot where you can appreciate how Swami Samrtha must have selected locations like Shivthar Ghal for writing the great “Dasbodh” … the sound of falling water inside the cave gives u the feeling of how serious the nature is to create such beautiful thing …
This place can be seen from Rajmachi & here is view from one of my previous trek to Rajmachi
These pictures will give u an idea of how big the kataldhar waterfall is .. the pictures are taken from distance of @ a kilometer from Rajmachi !!
So on the way to Rajmachi … u have to get down in the valley & walk for @ couple of hours to get to this spot .. this is semi – hard trek and the last patch to get down to the water fall is most difficult .. u must have ropes & proper trekking gears for this trek. its better to get along with experience members to this place .. please do not take any risk.
So I will post more photographs of this waterfall once I am back frm Katal Dhar (near Lonavala) ..
would u like to join us ?
Cheers !
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Hi Mahesh,
When are you planning to visit this place?
can we join you?
This trek is typically done during July to September, You are most welcome to join, Please subscribe the so as to get intimations on upcoming treks & jungle safari
is it possible to reach there without rope??
Depends upon your experience