🌿 Wildlife Mela 3.0 – A Celebration of Nature and Sustainability in Pune! 🌿 पुण्यात २ आणि ३ ऑक्टोबर रोजी शुभारंभ लॉन्स येथे Wild Life Mela 3.0 चे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे. या मेळाव्यात लहान मुलांपासून मोठ्यांसाठी नेमकं काय काय आहे हे जाणून घेऊया दीप्ती खरे आणि स्मृती परांजपे … [Read more...]
Month wise Holiday destinations and Festivals in India
Here's a list of holiday destinations in India categorized by month: January: January in India marks the beginning of the new year and the peak of winter in India.Gulmarg, Jammu and Kashmir - Ideal for snowfall and winter sports Auli Bugyal in Uttarakhand Asia's largest salt-water … [Read more...]
Pune Bamboo festival at Ganesha Kala Krida Munch 22,23,24 Dec 2023
Pune Bamboo festival at Ganesha Kala Krida Munch 2023 Bambu Mahotsav Pune 2023Date22, 23, 24 December 2023Time11 am to 8 pmLocationGanesh Kala Krida Manch Swargate, Keshav Rao Road, NH60, Beside Nehru Stadium, Shukrawar Peth, Pune, Maharashtra … [Read more...]
Jatyavarchya Ovya | Lagnatli Gani with Marathi Lyrics PDF Download
पारंपरिक जात्यावरच्या ओव्या | लग्नातली गाणी | Jatyavarchya Ovya | Lagnatli Gani with Marathi Lyrics क्रांती शिवाजी म्हमाणे आणी अंजली ज्ञानेश्वर सासवडे या दोघी मैत्रीणींनी म्हणलेल्या लग्नाच्या जात्यावरच्या ओव्याThe most traditional way in Maharashtra for grinding flour at home is using the … [Read more...]
Empress Garden Pune – Flower Show 17 to 26 Jan 2020
Maharashtra’s Largest 20th Empress Garden Pune - Flower Show 2020 will be held from 17th to 26th Jan, 2020.Every year approximately 1 lakh people visit this astonishing flower show from all over India. The show started in 1997, and is becoming bigger and more attractive year over year. In fact … [Read more...]