Bhamburda Van Vihar Pune is one of the best place in Pune for nature lovers which is available from June 2019. It is located in the heart of city to experience nature’s beauty in a quiet place where you can experience sunrise and sunset with your kids and beloved once.
This amazing place will give you glimpses of different birds including the Peacock and Kingfisher which your kids will surely love.
There are good seating arrangements made, a proper walkway for senior citizens, excellent for couples too.
If you wish to experience this beautiful place, you need to go early morning after 6 am (open till 10 am) or evening after 4 pm by paying a small ticket fee of 5 Rs only. (this is to prevent crowd, even a small fee in India prevents people from entering in such facility is a fact of life – so its good to have such entry fee)
However I suggest people not to make noise, play music, shout loudly in this place so as to keep the birds and wildlife safe from intrusion. Also it will help maintaining the environment healthy. Also do not litter things around especially plastic bottles.
In monsoon this place becomes amazing with fog and rains, the greenery and small ponds around makes this place a heaven on earth. Its a must place to visit when you are in Pune.
For kids there are various play equipment’s / toys fitted and for adults there is an open gym too. Someone who wants to trek around, simply get down the track in garden (see map below) and move on to the top of hill. You get nice views from the hill top.
Here is some useful quick information on location, timings, fees, map of Bhamburda van vihar Pune. Also I have added few photographs just to give you an glimpse of what you can see in this hill garden.
Some of the Photos in this post are taken with thanks from my Facebook friend Sharad Kelkar sir
Do put your comments if you visit this place so that readers are aware on happenings and any updates apart from given in this information blog post.
Bhamburda Van Vihar Pune
- Morning – 6 am to 10 am
- Evening – 4 pm to 6.30 pm
Ticket price / Entry fee
- Adult 5 Rs
- Kids 3 Rs
Park Area – 14 acres
Phone number +91 20 2566 4183
Mendhi Farm, Gokhalenagar, Gokhalenagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411016
भांबुर्डा वनउद्यान पुणे
भांबुर्डा टेकडीच्या पायथ्याला 14 एकरमध्ये विस्तारलेले हे उद्यान फळ उद्यान, बांबू वन, स्मृतीवन, नवग्रहांशी निगडित असणाऱ्या वनस्पती, नक्षत्रांशी निगडित असणाऱ्या वनस्पती अशा विविध संकल्पनांच्या आधारावर फुलविण्यात आलेले आहे.
भांबुर्डा परिसरात, मेंढी फार्मपासून जवळच (सेनापती बापट रस्त्यावरून पत्रकार नगरमधून मुनोत हॉलवरून पुढे गेल्यावर उजवीकडे साधारण १०० – १५० मीटर्सवर), रोहन तपोवनच्या मागच्या बाजूला, वनविभागाच्या साधारण १४ एकर विस्तीर्ण जागेवर हे वनउद्यान उभे राहिले आहे.
फिरायला / व्यायामाला येणाऱ्या नागरिकांसाठी तसेच लहान मुलांना बागेत खेळायला, फिरायला नेणाऱ्या पालकांसाठी, ही एक नवीन सोय राज्य सरकारने उपलब्ध करून दिली आहे… विविध थिम्सवर आधारित झाडे झुडुपांची आणि वृक्षांची लागवड, तसेच ओपन जिम, लहान मुलांसाठी खेळणी आणि साहसी खेळप्रकार, प्रदर्शन, अश्या अनेक सोयी ह्या वनउद्यानात निर्माण केलेल्या आहेत.
सगळ्यात उत्तम म्हणजे ह्या वनउद्यानात जाण्यासाठी प्रवेश फी ठेवली आहे (लहानांना ३ रुपये, मोठ्यांना ५ रुपये) आणि ती मासिक, त्रैमासिक आणि वार्षिक तत्वावरसुद्धा भरायची सोय ठेवली आहे.
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