पाहुणे आले कि पटकन काय करायचे असा प्रश्न पडतो अश्या वेळी पटकन करण्यासाठी आम्ही तुम्हाला दाखवणार आहे झणझणीत साजूक तुपातली मटन ते सुद्धा पाणी न घालता अंगच्या पाण्यावर शिजवलेले लुसलुशीत मटण आणि या मटण ला आपण तव्यावर आरामात दम देणार आहोत ज्यामुळे मसाल्यांचा वास त्यातून निघून जात नाही ... Recipe Video … [Read more...]
Tirupati Balaji Tour Guide | Do’s and Don’ts | What to wear etc
I decided to visit Tirumala for Lord Venkateswara darshan, and began searching for simple tour guide to Tirupati Balaji on internet. As usual to my experience there are many giving half cooked information and no-one spelled out precisely what should be the sequence for planning the Tirupati Bajaji … [Read more...]
Marathi Barsa Songs my Mothers Collection [Naming Ceremony]
Here is hand Marathi written lyrics collection of songs for Barsa (Naming ceremony) these are sung as a part of rituals during naming ceremony. Girls and Women will sing it together while the baby being placed in the cradle.I always feel that the old things shall not get lost in matter of time … [Read more...]
What is Special & Famous Food item in this Indian city
What is special famous food in this Indian city?Whenever I travel to any city in India, obviously I begin my search with "Which is the most famous and tasty food item in that Indian City?"Purpose is to locate best hotel, shop near my hotel so that I can taste the authentic Indian food in … [Read more...]