Hurda Party at Empress Botanical Garden, Pune Contact numbers 8605796815 and 9922163340 You may visit empress garden website to get latest news updateHurda is being separated from tender stalks of Jowar (Sorghum) and kept ready for roasting on TawaLoose hurda is then … [Read more...]
Instant Pithale (Zunka) – My trek recipes
Remember those golden days when we used to disappear from home for days ..Treks from one fort to another ... no hotels around .. no instant food available like the ones these days ..My mother's ideas for the instant food used to support our trekking days out ...Hassle free cooking using … [Read more...]
Instant Khichdi – My trek recipes
Remember those days when my mother used to help us out for trekking ... the main help was to support our food by giving us instant mix recipes, on public demand I am adding few of them in next few days .. Scond goes with Instant KhichdiInstant Khichdi - My trek recipesRequired material … [Read more...]
Instant Upma – My trek recipes
Remember those golden days when my mother used to help us out for trekking ...Days without mobile ... days to get lost in jungle ...The main help was to support our food by giving us instant mix recipes, On public demand I am adding few of them in next few days ..First it starts with Instant … [Read more...]
What is Special & Famous Food item in this Indian city
What is special famous food in this Indian city?Whenever I travel to any city in India, obviously I begin my search with "Which is the most famous and tasty food item in that Indian City?"Purpose is to locate best hotel, shop near my hotel so that I can taste the authentic Indian food in … [Read more...]