Maintenance by :
Maintained by SundarMath Seva Samiti and Shri Samarth Seva Mandal
Accommodation Facility :
Stay facilities provided by Shivthar Ghal Shree Sunder math Samiti.
Food availability & hotels :
Prasad timings : Between 12:00 pm and 1:30 pm,
You can have the Prasad consisting of Moong Dal Khichadi.
How to reach Shivtharghal from Pune ?
Pune Swargate to Shivtharghal distance by road is 117 kms
- Catch a ST Bus – Pune (Swargate) To Mahad ST BUS – Here is PDF for you Pune to Mahad ST Bus Timetable
- Get down at Shivtharghal Phata (Ask conductor before you board the ST bus for this stop) – Get down at second phata from where Shivtharghal is at 15 kms and not on first phata from where Shivthar Ghal is 7 kms
- From this phata you can get some transport (else I suggest to get down at Mahad ST stand and from there get an autorickshaw for to and fro journey)
- Return journey from Mahad to Pune by ST Bus only – Here is PDF for you Mahad to Pune ST Bus timetable 2018
How to reach Shivtharghal from Mulbai or Kalyan ?
- Catch ST bus from Mumbai, Kalyan to Mahad
- From Mahad hire an autorickshaw for to and fro travel
How to reach Shivtharghal from Pune by Road ?
- Drive through Katraj Ghat on NH4 till you get Bhor phata which goes to Mahad.
- Bhor Mahad road goes through Varandha Ghat.
- Varandha Ghat to Shivtharghal is 27 kms
- Drive down the ghat, now here be careful, halfway down the ghat you will see a signboard which says Shivtharghal – 6 kms DO NOT TAKE THIS ROAD ! this road is bad and narrow, you can not go by car. So keep driving further towards Mahad till you see a signboard which says Shivtharghal – 15 kms. Now take Right turn here to Shivtharghal.
Shivtharghal was found in year 1930 by
Shri Shankar Shrikrushna Deo of Dhule
He searched this based on the following lines which are described by Swami Samarth Ramdas, each line describes the location, which you can feel once you reach this place, you may not experience the dense forest kind of situation which Swamiji has felt that time, however it is really worth to see the water roar while sitting in the caves where Ramdas Swamiji wrote “Dasbodh”
धबाबा लोटती धारा | धबाबा तोय आदळे || १||
गर्जता मेघ तो सिंधू | ध्वनी कल्होळ उठिला |
कड्याशी आदळे धारा | वाट आवर्त होतसे ||२||
तुषार उठती रेणू | दुसरे रज मातले |
वाट मिश्रीत ते रेणू | सीत मिश्रीत धुकटे ||३||
दराच तुटला मोठा | झाड खंडे परोपरी |
निबीड दाटती छाया | त्या मधे वोघ वाहती ||४||
गर्जती श्वापदे पक्षी | नाना स्वरे भयंकरे |
गडद होतसे रात्री | ध्वनी कल्लोळ उठती ||५||
कर्दमु निवडेना तो | मानसी साकडे पडे |
विशाळ लोटती धारा | ती खाले रम्य विवरे ||६||
विश्रांती वाटते येथे | जावया पुण्य पाहिजे |
कथा निरुपणे चर्चा | सार्थके काळ जातसे ||७||
समर्थ रामदास
Other details you may please read at wikipedia
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