Having heard about stay along the waterhole and salt lick, I was so exited for my journey to The Ark.This iconic hotel is situated in the heart of the Aberdare National Park, yes as said the hotel overlooks the waterhole and salt lick, which means you will be surely able to see wildlife for 24 … [Read more...]
Aberdare National Park at the heights of 6800 Feet [Review]
The excitement of watching Giraffes and Zebras closely was not over yet and we started our journey from Aberdare Country Club to Aberdare National Park where my first experience of staying inside the core jungle was to happen.After reaching the entry gate our guide Nahashon completed the … [Read more...]
The Aberdare Country Club – Kenya
We started early morning ~7.30 am from Nairobi and reached the Aberdare Country Club by 11.00 amEntry to the club itself was pleasant with beautiful ambiance with Giraffe's crossing the road, this was my first siting in Kenya :-)Since there was an hour time for lunch at the club, I … [Read more...]
First International Flight Preparations
Pre-meeting for Kenya tour was to get acquainted with the friends travelling together as well as to provide instructions to those who were travelling first time on international flight.Please note that compared to Domestic travel, your International travel needs the following documents - … [Read more...]
Yellow Fever Vaccination Pune [Online Booking Available NOW] Update 2022
I was searching for information on Yellow Fever Authorized Vaccination center at Pune, but was not getting correct and authentic information. After receiving preliminary information on Sasoon Hospital is authorized for this, I started searching for confirmation from Central Government Websites about … [Read more...]