गिरिभ्रमणाच्या जगात अनेक ठिकाणी काही वाटा रात्री उगवतात.आमच्या सारख्या भटक्याना या पाऊलवाटा खुणावतात.आणि काही भटके ट्रेकेर्स काही वाटा शोधूनही काढतात. अशीच एक वाट पुण्याजवळ ची 'कात्रज ते सिंहगड' म्हणजेच K2S Trek. ही वाट तशी आता ट्रेक विश्वात सर्व परिचित आहे, तरीही हा ट्रेक सर्वांच्या उत्सुकतेचा विषय … [Read more...]
Star Gazing – आकाशगंगादर्शन एक अदभूत अनुभव
“आकाशगंगा दर्शन” एक वेगळा अनुभव दिनांक- २८ जानेवारी रात्री ७:३० ते २९ जानेवारी पहाटे ५:३० ठिकाण- जावण गाव,मुळशी,पुणे. Star Gazing overnight program organized by 'Sanshodhan' the 'Story of Astronomical discoveries' Just 50 kms from Pune discover sky in the dark nights is funA … [Read more...]
Plan was for Gulmarg but went to Pahalgam
It was day two of my Srinagar-Leh tour and plan was to enjoy the mountain views, heights through cable car at the most famous Gulmarg ! But my cab driver told that it would be hell of crowd at Gulmarg and I will not be able to reach stage two of cable car !! I immediately called-up my friends … [Read more...]
An evening at Dal Lake
During my Srinagar-Leh-Ladakh tour Houseboat stay at Dal lake was wonderful experience I had ... Being inside the lake and staying on floating water is experience in itself one can remember for ...When I booked houseboat stay for two days one of my friend told me that the lake water stinks and … [Read more...]
Getting on to Srinagar from Pune
I planned landing to Leh via Srinagar for two reasons, first was good acclimatization and second was the road packed with lush green surroundings of Sonmarg getting on to Kargil via Drass .. I wanted to see the drastic change in landscapes from green to the deserted mountains with icing topped onto … [Read more...]