Reaching the beach is quire tedious since the roads are n pretty bad condition, however the nature is so good that I can forgive the bad roads :-)btw note that only IDEA and Vodaphone networks are available here.. nothing else works !!
the hotels are pretty good, having homely food available, but pre-booking is must.
You can see that the beach is clear and clean (at least till now) . my mother waving hand to me …
And when you are at Ladghar, do spend an hour of two to visit to beautiful spot of PArshuram bhumi just 5 kms away
hotels at Tamas tirtha / Ladghar
cheers !!
Very nice blog, The clear reflections/shadows in all photos taken on beach shows clearity and cleanliness of beach & water…..Amboli pahun tondala pani sutale re…
Dear Mahesh,
Could u please post the hotel nos?
dear sachin, plz read the next post for hotel phone numbers
what is the best time to go ladghar beach in between apr to september. Please suggest
April-May Would be too hot to be at sea beach, June-Auguest would be heavy rains … September would be the only recommendation from me … again it is governed by your taste … in April-May also there is lot of rush at this locations to enjoy fresh fish and beer 🙂 … Cheers !
Dear Mahesh, This is first time reading ur blog… It was quite interesting and instigating me to visit. In blogs can you get added details related to booking like links or contact number, Your views by calling me back will delight me. I am doing intentionally to check how you respond.
Thank you very much for reading the blog and nice comments 👍