It was Sunday morning and after long time I could see the Vasudev [ Vasudeo ] in front of my house which is inherent part of our Marathi Culture [Vasudev Maharashtra is tribal singing traditional songs]
Anyway “Vasudev” or “Vasudeo” wear a conical cap of peacock’s feather … Vasudev in actual was the father of Lord Krishna, (it is said that) who used to wear such cap ) .. they move from village to village. They sing heart touching traditional songs when they move from home to home … in villages they collect rice, wheat etc. from homes … however now a days they also come to cities & get some money (home to home collection !!) .. but yes I like to hear them in early morning .. it sounds very cozy to me hearing them crystal clear …
Vasudev Maharashtra are described under nomadic tribe
they normally worship Khandoba of Jejuri (maharashtra) & Ambabai of Kolhapur
If you wish to know more about this tribe then do read the following book –>
People of India: Maharashtra, Volume 3
By Kumar Suresh Singh, B. V. Bhanu, Anthropological Survey of India
read from page 2033 to know more information about Vasudev like their tribe, Panchayat, types, lifestyle etc.
Recently I have added video of song by Vasudeo in front of my home during Diwali Holidays, hope it gives you flavor of Marathi traditions & culture of Maharashtra
He was singing a traditional song in loud & clear voice, so I called my daughter to see them. I gave him 5 rupees & he immediately started telling astrology !! he said he will do it from face reading … anyway normally they tell something like “you will do lot of progress .. but someone does not like it … so .. bla bla bla..” so for few minutes I heard him … see the picture below which I took of The Vasudev Maharashtrain the photograph u can see the other Vasudev’s brother is telling astrology for the person in car !! the more he tells .. more u will pay (obvious)
hi this is sameer from nagpur
so can u tell me could i find the authentic real vasudeo ?
This is Mohan Mukkati from Mumbai. Please find the real vasudeo and their home address location. I am trying to make documentary on them. So if you could do this its very much great full for me. My email:
Hi Mohan,
Surely I shall get addres/phone number when next time I see Vasudeo and inform you back … I am happy that you are thinking of documentary on them
Good evening friends, its very Happy to see your intrest in Vasudev Cumminity. I belong the same.i can extend my Support to you regarding Vasudev custom & traditions.
So Kindly contact belkw mail & no.
Harrish. R. Doijad
My No 913387811
Today , I met a Vasudev . He was playing nice songs which was adorable . But the moment I passed him , he started saying that ‘ you must take care of your health , you have problems in your personal life’ and I can help you solve the same if you donate me money worth 5 KG Pedhas , so I asked him what is the cost , he said 2500 Rs 🙂 . Honestly , I believe that everyone has to go through problems in life . I wonder why do these people have to roam around asking for money from trespassers 🙂 . I think giving them like 100 Rs at the most is OK for the job they do not more than that even if they convince you that they have the power to overcome all the difficulties in your life 😀 .