Couple of years back when I went to ask my German Boss Andreas Funk to get leave for Switzerland trip he immediately asked me "Mahesh have you visited Leh Ladakh ?" I said "No Sir" ... He said "I have visited Leh Ladakh three times in last five years !! and it is more beautiful than Switzerland and … [Read more...]
Solar Water Heater Connecting 100L in Series Benefits Over Single 200L system
Continuing to my endeavor towards Green Home I have installed 1 KW Solar panels and 200 Liters Solar water heater system at my home. [Read on Wiki on Solar water heating system]I already had 100 Liters Solar water heater system installed 15 years back which was giving problem of electrical … [Read more...]
Solid Waste Management by PCMC
The #CleanMyIndia drive was successful beyond expectation ... and yesterday we went for discussions on sustenance of #CleanMyIndia in our area with Mr. Subhash Machare (Assistant Commissioner) at B-Zone of PCMC. It was holiday for PCMC but believe me he was present in office as well as gave ample … [Read more...]
CleanMyIndia drive beginning in my residential area
I think way back our respected PM began #CleanMyIndia drive and as most of us do I also ignored saying that it is not possible :-( I am ashamed to have such Ever mind .... When good thoughts peculate with good friends like Jayawant, Vinesh, Manoj and mentor like Mahesh Mahajan sir (Founder President … [Read more...]
Camping at Fort Tikona
I Love camping and that's the reason to quickly decide upon our FONA Chinchwad first trek as not only trek but camping too .... I feel that all friends can spend more time during camping .. its less fatigue and more relaxation ... You get closer to your family and friends ...The challenging … [Read more...]