Good for the reason that more and more people can enjoy nature, fun with friends by night camping, children can learn about nature . stars .. living without idiot box & gadgets …
Bad is that people who are not real trekkers began to spoil the campsites & forts, throwing plastic is a major concern, also spoiling monuments by writing names, plucking plants, cutting trees ! So local people also shall put on control on pollution which will also help them in long run to preserve the sites.
Anyway Camping at Harishchandragad is real fun, spending nights at Kokankada under the million star hotel with chilling winds and warm friends will be memorable experience …
So here is I have enlisted Hotels and Camping contact details which shall help you planning the visit.
Many local people are now providing ready installed tent accommodation at nominal cost.
You can also enjoy the local cuisine with flavor of vegetables found in jungle (This needs to be asked for, else they provide standard vegetables like potato, baingan, pithale)
Hotels & Camping at Harishchandragad [Phone numbers]
One more phone number added 13 Sept 2023
HARISHCHANDRAGAD TOURISM, pachnai (Harishchandragad)
मी राम भारमल, पाचनई / हरिश्चंद्रगडावर येणाऱ्या पर्यटकांना कॅम्पिंग, होम-स्टे, टेन्ट, चहा, नाश्ता,घरगुती पध्दतीचे जेवण त्याचबरोबर हरिश्चंद्रगडावर भटकंतीसाठी स्थानिक वाटाड्या(Guide) इत्यादी शक्य त्या लोकल आणि आवश्यक सुविधा पुरवतो.
Contact – 09766033775 (Whatsapp),
9653464371 / 09403093075 या क्रमांकावर फोन/ टेक्स्ट मेसेज करण्यास , संपर्कासाठी
Added on 13 Aug 2023
Harishchandragad Tourist Guide – Balu बाळू Rengde – phone 9370996422
Added on 20 June 2023
Bhagwan Bharmal contact no 9552882062 / 7066278407 / 8766586863 – Stay and Food available
मी nitin Bharmal मी उत्तम प्रतीचे स्थानिक पद्धतीने बनवलेले चहा, नाश्ता, कॉफी, जेवण, ___ tent, guide, seeliping bag, etc पुरवितो एक वेळ अवश्य भेट द्या.
कमीत कमी पैशात उत्तम सोय.
(५०० ते १००० रुपये फकत)
Hotel Garwa – kokankada (contact Bhau Bharmal – 7039502182, 7507033350)
New numbers available – 9527612588, WhatsApp available 8928370632 (update 8 Feb 2017)
Hotel (Contact Bhaskar 8308081939)
Hotel Moraya (Contact Dasharath Dhindale 9552299068 / 7709384701)
Hotel Rajyog (contact Kailash Bharmal 8390634612)
Hotel Sahyadri trekkers (contact Bharmal 7030208239 / 7066214669)
Hotel Sairaj (contact Popat Badad 7083741936 / 7507026119 / 7083741936)
Hotel Shri Ganesh (contact Chindhu Bharmal 8888027420)
Hotel Shri Nilkantheshwar (contact Houshiram Bharmal 9850878506)
Hotel Trekkers Point Kokankada (Contact Vikas Bharmal 7709826088 / 8412992429)
Hotel Nisarga Stall (Contact Kundalik Bharmal 9689054960 / 7507033466)
Hotel Rohidas Veg (Contact Trimbak Bharmal 8605325156 / 7007430176)
Hotel Taramati (Contact Tukaram Bhoir 9372108481, 9921425325, 9373897256)
Hotel Krushna (Pandharinath Bharmal 9657456920, 8806132640)
Hotel ShivKrupa (Rangnath Bharmal 7350746848, Ramdas Bharmal 7030208246)
Hotel Pachanai – Pachanai Kladgad – Akole (कलाड गड) – added 11 November 2021
This hotel have Food, Tent camping which is at Pachanai route (Kalargad )
Contact phone numbers for Pachnai (गाईड व संपर्क) +91 7507033350 / +91 9404878401 Bhau Bharmal
I am sure this list of hotels at Harishchandragad & Kokankada will help you planning weekend camping 🙂
Cheers !!
hai I am bhaskar badad (kokankada ) harichandragad
we provide food.tent.camping.adventure guide. &all information related fort
any info please call or sms
contact +918308081939
Harishchandra diwali package
Bhaskar is a very nice man and service is very fastly in any time available for the kokankada
Hotel bhaskar kokankada very best
I am trying to contact Bhaskar on above number, its not reachable. Does anyone has alternate number.
He will not be in mobile tower range, just try at different timelines in a day/evening, surely u can get him in a while …
Another trick is drop SMS to him, as soon as he is in range you will get delivery notification, then immediately call him 🙂
हरिश्चंद्रगडावर तारामती हॉटेल अतिशय उत्तम सेवा देत आहे. संपर्क :- तुकाराम भोईर 9307639561 / 7744834756
This information is too good for any trekker.Thanks
how to reach harishchandragad y public transport from pune.
Bhau is best man food quality best contact 7507033350
Nagesh Bote pachanai village hi is provided local food,tent,tea,bf,guide & other management call-9561566229/9423169404
Dear sir/madam I am Nagesh Bote from harishchandragad local person
I am providing Local Food,Bf,Tea,Ten
t,slip-on bags,Guide,etc.
Shere my contact please
मी Vishnu Bharmal मी उत्तम प्रतीचे स्थानिक पद्धतीने बनवलेले चहा, नाश्ता, कॉफी, जेवण, ___ tent, guide, seeliping bag, etc पुरवितो एक वेळ अवश्य भेट द्या
what is your mobile number plz share
Dear sir/madam I am Nagesh Bote from harishchandragad local person
I am providing Local Food,Bf,Tea,Ten
t,slip-on bags,Guide,etc.
Shere my contact please
मी nitin Bharmal मी उत्तम प्रतीचे स्थानिक पद्धतीने बनवलेले चहा, नाश्ता, कॉफी, जेवण, ___ tent, guide, seeliping bag, etc पुरवितो एक वेळ अवश्य भेट द्या.
मी nitin Bharmal मी उत्तम प्रतीचे स्थानिक पद्धतीने बनवलेले चहा, नाश्ता, कॉफी, जेवण, ___ tent, guide, seeliping bag, etc पुरवितो एक वेळ अवश्य भेट द्या.
कमीत कमी पैशात उत्तम सोय.
(५०० ते १००० रुपये फकत)
hi . I am planning to go to kUNJARGAD near Murbad. Can anyone help with a local village contact in Vihir Village which is base village for Kunjargad