Read Basic information on Fort Visapur on Wiki if you like.
Fort Visapur compared to Lohagad
Visapur fort trek Difficulty Level
Time to descend – about half an hour to 45 minutes (from the way shown in below photographs)
How Not To Get Lost at Visapur trek? My own story !
What to see on Visapur Fort?
- Hanuman carving at the entrance
- The ruins of a large stone-built house are known as the Peshwa’s palace
- Cisterns of water
- Caves carved in single stone
- Well build by Peshvas
- Near the north wall there was an iron gun ten feet long and of four-inch bore
- Remains of an old Mahadev shrine (near the iron gun)
- Bastions – Tatbandi protecting fort from attacks (most of them are really in good shape)
- Magnificent view of fort Lohagad and its Vinchukata
Place to stay / take food at Visapur trek
The ruins of a large stone-built house are known as the Peshwa’s palace.
When you reach to the point from where you descend on other side towards fort Lohagad, you can see rooms (I could not go in to see since it was raining and too dark to judge what is inside)
Descending down on Lohagad side (descend from the back side and not directly from the front where u see fort lohagad)
Velvet insects इन्द्रगोपः मृगाचे किडे (लाल रंगाचे) (we used to called it Rani Mungi during childhood) I could not find similar images on internet so do not know the scientific name for the same, but I have uploaded this full resolution image so that someone can zoom in see the details (tell me in case you know the name please)
इन्द्रगोपः- मृगाचे किडे (लाल रंगाचे)
बालेन्द्रगोपान्तरचित्रितेन विभाति भूमिर्नवशाद्वलेन।
गात्रानुपृक्तेन शुकप्रभेण नारीव लाक्षोक्षितकम्बलेन।।
भावार्थ :- पावसामुळे नुकत्याच उगवलेल्या हिरव्यागार कोवळ्या गवतावर “मृगाचे किडे” शोभून दिसत आहेत. जसे हिरव्या (पोपटी) रंगाचे वस्त्र धारण केलेल्या स्त्रीने लाखेच्या रंगाचे (लाल) कांबळे (शाल) पांघरली आहे.
Wild flowers on the way .. common to find on any of you trek in Maharashtra, again i am not aware of the name of the beautiful flower 🙁
Over the years wherein I have been to Lohagad number of times (since Lohagad is simple to reach and climb we choose this for guests or entry level trekkers) I did not climb Fort Visaur which is one of the twin fort of lohagad-visapur. But this time specially we targeted this fort and was really happy to visit the same.
and do not forget to check for the list of things to carry for trek
cheers !!
Hi. Do you have any local person’s number? Can you please email it to me on
I do not have any local guide contact, however you can check on any of the phone numbers given in my Lohagad blogpost, where you will be surely get local guide.
Hello Mahesh Sir,
Im leading a trek with small group on this weekend for Visapur trek.
I may need some information on route for both ascend and descend towards Visapur fort trek.
can you please share your email ID or contact no. through which i can touchbase with you.
Your guidance will be really helpful.
Plz fill in the form
This is to avoid the number of calls I attend per day
me too got lost here …we were not understanding where was the point we started from.but finally we go after lot of efforts