Now that this is declared as a tiger reserve where money-eaters are found (I will be writing separate blogpost about money-eaters of Vasota!)
Try figuring out persons in following photograph (this will give you an idea of size of shivsagar lake)
Hanuman temple at the top of fort, only remains are there, guide (to whom we paid 300 Rs !) was not able to tell any information rather than it is hanuman temple !!!! (refer to money-eaters of Vasota, where forest officer got part of 300 Rs !! for nothing ?)
Leech which we found during lunch in front of this temple (exactly where our guide is sitting)
Shiva temple (on the way to Nageshwar view point)
if you magnify the below image to full scale you will be able to see the railing of Nageshwar temple (this photo is taken from Nageshwar point from fort Vasota)
by the way when I was looking at the Sahyadri mountain ranges from Nageshwar point .. I remembered lines from Sir Anatoli Boukreev which are written at the site of Annapurna base-camp in his memory.
“Mountains are not Stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, they are the cathedrals where I practice my religion…
I go to them as humans go to worship. From their lofty summits I view my past, dream of the future and, with an unusual acuity, am allowed to experience the present moment…
my vision cleared, my strength renewed. In the mountains I celebrate creation. On each journey I am reborn.”
Cheers !!
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