Prati Shirdi is situated off old Bombay-Pune highway, around 32 Km from Pune. For your convenience I have added Location and direction map to Prai Shirdi Temple from Pune at end of my blog post.
There is Gurusthan at the temple entrance with Neem Tree at the center.
The temple layout, Gabhara, Samadhi, Sai moorti will makes you feel as if you are at Shirdi.
Dwarkamai at Shirgaon holds Sai Dhuni which is enlightened 24×7.
Chawadi at the back is built in the same fashion. Also Abhishek and Arti’s done at the temple with the same schedule as Shirdi.
There are annual festivals like Sthapana Divas, Guru Poornima, Ram Navami, Dasara which are celebrated by 1000’s of devotees since 2003.
Establishment of Sai Temple, Shirgaon
11 June 2003 by Mr Prakash Keshavrao Deole. Miraculously completed complete construction in mere nine months with the blessings of Shri Saiababa.
Prati Shirdi Maha Prasad timings
12 noon to 3.30 pm at nominal charge of Rs.25 per person.
The Annachatra – aka the Rajwada (the Palace) – is an architectural marvel, its built by using joint moulds, its interesting to see that the 14,000 square foot 3-storey building has no bricks at all !!
Schedule of Daily Programs (shirgaon sai baba mandir timings)
- Kakad Arti – 05:15 am
- Maha Abhishek – 07:00 am
- Noon Arti – 12:00 Noon
- Dhup Arti – 06:15 pm
- Shej Arti – 10:00 pm
- Temple will be open from 5:00 am to 10:30 pm
Prati Shirdi or mini shirdi Temple remains closed from 10:30pm to 5:00 am
Click here to get information on Festivals at Prati Shirdi temple
[Prati means Replica]
Other temples which are Replica to the main temple are
Look at the beautiful entrance gate for the temple
Prasad is available from 12 noon & the Anna Chatralaya can easily accommodate over 200 devotees at a time .. just look at the photo below to get an idea.
As on now the photography inside the premises is not allowed, hence I could not capture them from inside, however some previous photographs are available on
Their official website Prati-Shirdi Sai Baba Temple – Shirgaon, Pune प्रती शिर्डी
But both websites show old pictures, may be at least the official website should show the recent photographs ! [update as on 2 Feb 2022, now the official website is updated with latest photographs]
Prati Shirdi Temple Address:
Pratishirdi Shri Saibaba Mandir Shirgaon, Somatane Fata, Taluka Maval, Dist Pune
Contact phone numbers : 8888388383, 9850430283, 9623896963
Landline: 020 24451537
Registered Office:
420, Narayan Peth, Manik Prabhu Complex, 4th Floor, Pune 400030
How to reach Prati Shirdi from Pune or Mumbai
From Old Mumbai-Pune highway while you are going from Pune to Talegaon, after crossing the first toll plaza after Dehu Road, you have to take first left turn towards Shirgaon village.
You will see a big hoarding at the entrance of the road, further after crossing the flyover on expressway you will reach to Sai Baba temple. for quick reference I have added the map below.
Prati-Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Map & Location – Shirgaon, Pune
Distance from Pune to Prati Shirdi Shirgaon is 43 kms, see directions map below,
Distance from Mumbai to Shirgaon Prati Shirdi temple is 126 kms
can u pls suggest me the route from begdewadi railway station to prati shirdi?
Is their any vehicle who take me to temple from begdewadi station?
hi there, i remember ur last reply for prati-shirdi 🙂 so this time i suggest you walk from there, it is just 3 kms from railway station 🙂 what do u say
which pmpml bus stop near to prati balaji
Till what time Prasad remains open
पुनावळे हुन सरळ पीऐमपीऐल बस सेवा पृती साईबाबा शिरगाव आहे का?
🌹 राम राम 🌹
ये सांई बाबा के साथ हिन्दुओं के देवि देवताओं के नाम को जोड़ के हिन्दुस्तान में हिन्दुओं को बेवकूफ बना रहे हैं। इनको बस चढ़ावे से मतलब है। राम मंदिर निर्माण कार्ययोजना मेंं सहयोग राशि के लिए साफ मना कर दिया ये कह कर कि हमारा सनातन धर्म से कोइ मतलब नहीं है। अतीत में खोजने से चांद मियां (सांई बाबा)का इतिहास मिल जाएगा। इस्लामीकरण का प्रचार करने में सफल एक और नया रास्ता । सावधान रहें।
When willvbe mandir open
One of my blog reader went there around 15 Auguest and he could get darshan. Although temple is closed, you can request to get darshan (depends upon wish from Maharaj – the blog reader went from Mumbai and got darshan)
When wii be mandir open