Got tired and bored from your hectic and monotonous routine life activities? Family fun at the beach is the best solution if you are in an Ocean City. In order to relax and refuel yourself, plan a recreational trip to the beach with your friends and family members at the weekend. There will surely be an immense amount of fun for your entire family and everybody will get refreshed to tackle the arduous chores of his daily life. Moreover, it is just priceless to make memories with friends and family especially at a beach. Such a relaxation and recreational time is something we all need in our leisure hours. But, at the same time, this is not always easy to plan such a trip with your family. Without proper planning and the consequent preparation, a beach trip actually proves no day at the beach. In order to avoid any mishap or displeasure and to ensure that your next sand and Surf trip is the best ever, here is a very sound planning which will make you free of all the worries in this regard.
Steps to Take at Home for a beach trip
- First of all, you must ensure your safest journey to the beach. It is very nice if you already have a luxury family Jeep with good Jeep tops. Otherwise, do manage a luxury Jeep to take you and your family along with a handsome trip gear to the beach. It will be an extra bonus if you have a quality winch in your jeep to help you out in case of any emergency.
- Pack everybody’s lunch separately because if you happen to drop a single pack on the sand, only this one will be lost, not the whole lot. Packing the lunch in this way will enable you to carry various sorts of lunch as per individual choice of your family members. At lunch time, you will sit together for the lunch with everybody enjoying his own choice. And, if you tend to share the things amongst you all, everybody will have the opportunity to taste a variety of different relish at a time.
- Remember to carry the routine medications you or your family members need regularly. Also carry a few precautionary medicines because anybody may need them in case of an emergency.
- Bring along a mineral water facial spray to refresh your skin whenever it gets jaded by the sun.
- The Shore maybe a stony one, so don’t forget to carry flip-flops or water shoes and wear them to minimize the likelihood of getting cuts and grazes on your feet while walking in water.
- If you value your comfort, try to carry yoga Mats with you instead of towels to enjoy a waterproof and cushioned comfort.
- Do pack some bug spray because getting bitten by insects is no picnic at all.
- Do manage to carry a big umbrella and a sufficiently large beach tent so that you may save yourself and your family members from the hot sun. Babies and adults may get cranky after having been exposed to too much sun, heat and wind. Moreover, kids and comparatively older members may get tired, at times, and want to have a little nap. By bringing your own little safe area you will help them have rest and recharge themselves much more for the upcoming fun.
- Try to bring along a small blow-up pool to facilitate your small kids with their own play yard. In this way, they can keep themselves restricted to a small area, build sand-castles and have a lot of fun then and there.
- If you have a baby child with you, pack all of its necessities because you always need for it more than you think you’ll under such situations.
- Also carry a sand-free beach bag to keep the sand away from your things when they get packed in this bag on your way back to home. You just have to give a few shakes to the bag and the sand will fall out.
- Remember to keep a dust broom in your jeep to brush down any last sand from your body, clothes and footwear before you leave for home.
Steps to Take While at the Beach
- Try to identify the natural threat of the rip currents by looking for a break in the incoming wave pattern, a line of debris, a channel of choppy, churning water or a notable difference in water color in a specific area. This is always imperative because a lot of fatalities have occurred due to the rip currents.
- If you ever get caught in a rip current, remain calm and do not fight the current. Instead, start swimming parallel to the shore and then to the shoreline once you are out of the rip current. If nothing works, wave or yell for help.
- Be in contact with the tidal pools and look what is in them just after a high tide. Snails, starfish and other assorted mollusks are likely to be found there, making it a wonderful activity to watch regardless of the age.
- No doubt, the best sand to make sandcastles is down by the ocean, but there is always the danger of being swept away by the big waves crept up to the shore. So, always stay aware of waves. Also take a special care of your kids whenever they get near to the waves.
- You should choose your spot for the day just near the lifeguard so that if any of your kids happen to slip away, they must have a marker to find you readily.
- Apply some leave-in conditioner with a UV protectant to your hair to ward off the bad effects of the sun and the salted water.
- The sun, heat and salt water can dry your lips out. So, do remember to apply a lip balm enriched with SPF sun protectant.
- Wearing a sunscreen and reapplying it repeatedly will keep the sunburns away from you. However, if you get sunburns of serious nature, you must consult your doctor immediately.
- Sand in your meals is never a fun and a completely sand-free place must be there at the time of taking meals. So, create a sand-free place yourself and lay down a folding table brought from home over there to eat at.
- Encourage your kids and all others to enjoy their best while playing with other kids and friends and finding sea creatures in tidal pools.
- In the end, you must also have in your mind when to leave for home. So, be well prepared to pack all the things back well in time.
Hence, these are the steps to take while planning a family fun at the beach. If followed properly, these can turn your good time into a great one, worth remembering for years afterwards.
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