Which route to Murud beach from Pune is fastest, good (without potholes), no tolls and less traffic ?
Parachute sport on murud beach
We had our lunch at the most famous Patil Khanawal – Murud beach – it was highly crowded place, food taste in terms of its originality which i had tasted years back is lost ! may be they are not able to handle big crowd in so short time span, that is the reason I hunted for another option Swami Khanawal.
This time I walked around the village as timepass.. it took me about 2 hours but was worth to see the old houses, people, living style.. the market …. since normally i spend all time on the beach and come back .. so i decided to explore more on my own which was really a nice experience indeed 🙂
Also you will love to read my visit to Revdanda sea beach which is calm and serene
cheers !!
Collection of my experiences on Konkan sea beaches with my recommendation only for you
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