At Lecerne city when you get down at the railway or bus station or boat station (all are near to each other at a distance of 2 mins) you can goto the tourist information center located in the railway station “Rail City” to get city and mountain tour maps and info.
I have given photograph of the map only for information, once u get to the tourist office u can get actual copy, but this will help u to get an idea about where are the locations of important places.
In this tourist map they have shown points of interest like Lion monument, Chapel bridge, Market and other places.
All points are at walkable distance, so we started from the railway station, went over to Chapel bridge straight over to the market on other side of the bridge, thing to remember always is that market closes early compare to India so be sure that u roam around the market before 6.30 pm. further to the market where u can shop for watches or chocolates, u can further walk up to the Lion monument and on the way back have a look at church, down to the lake lucerne. be comfortable by sitting at the bank of lake lucerne and enjoy the evening lighting .., but if u r there in july of auguest then u hv to wait till 10 pm to see the lighting … so i recommend to stay in a city hotel like IBIS styles ,,, so that u can go to the stations quickly as well as enjoy the night views at the lake lucerne.
A city view from the boat, while on the way to mount Rigi
from the Lion monument u can walk to the lake lucerne … to have beautiful view …. late evening u will see the road side market at the banks of lake lucerne ..
On the way to my hotel express holiday inn .. i used to walk for around 1.5 kilometers ! so I found a way through the farms … it was a different experience of its kind …
farmer houses on the way through farms .. beautiful house with so many flowers … sitting outside was awesome .. u feel like spending hours there …
lucky to see so many of farm houses … and each one different .. with flowers around .. children playing around …
In all the city is beautiful .. i was able to wonder around the city using the city bus service .. having the swiss pass in hand .. i traveled in all directions of the city through different bus routes .. u will enjoy the city … just for information the bus on route number 1 goes to the lion monument too .. also if u have time .. move on the bus route number 1 till the end of it .. while coming back from the last stop of route 1 u come across a stop called Schappe-Center .. where u can find a big shopping center and COOP super market in the same .. i got the best price for chocolates there which i could not find later in my complete travel ,,,,
by the way it was nice wondering around through the bust service .. and it is so nice that u can spend couple of hours easily watching the city .. so do try this while being at lucerne,,,
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