They make use of vehicles to the last bit (no wastage please)
also you do not feel pollution for the fact that dust keeps on flying creating a fog effect 😛 so pollution seems to be no where !!
As you enter the city you will see everywhere cycle rickshaws, see here Bihar government is able to generate more employment , cycle rickshaws keeps the drivers healthy and since they can pull load to limited distance, this is an ideal transport model for a couple of kilometers travel 🙂 I did not dare to travel in it, but just asked a rickshaw wala if he earns sufficient money out of this ? and he said he can just make his day !
The next number is Jugad vehicles, you can see them used across Bihar … I am thankful to Bihar government to support innovation from local people and not being stupid to ban them under CMVR law. I think other states in India shall learn from this !!!
Now coming to the road sizes and vehicle density, this ratio is optimized at Patna (bihar), what I mean is that they drive bumper to bumper, this ensures maximum utilization of narrow roads ! Local people have found way to achieve this, they add protection bumpers allover,
see the example below, a rickshaw is added with around 60 kg of protection bumpers all over, which protects the vehicle in bumper to bumper traffic. This slightly affects the mileage, but that’s minor issue !
Above way ensures that traffic density is optimized with bumper to bumper traffic, now comes to density of passengers per vehicle, again Bihar government support people to travel cheap using the vehicle roof tops, by this they achieve multi folded benefits, the driver earns more money per trip, the passenger seating at top has to pay half money for the same distance, also he gets air conditioned travel with 360 degree view of road and surroundings ! again here Bihar govrnment wins over other states !! please please learn from them !!
Someone can really stand over the rear bumper to keep an eye on what’s happening 😛
The school going students and the office goers get cheap transportation due to multi density model of Bihar.
Students traveling at low speeds and protected cage ensures safety of students aboard !! again hats off to Bihar
Local garages are expert in vehicle modifications which supports high density model
Poor Tata Nano can not have bumper protections mounted, the driver said “Bhiya ise to kuch nahi kar sakte ! company ne provision hi nahi diya hai !!”
The liberal local petrol pumper can provide you petrol in bottles !! I think he is going to drive his bicycle over petrol !!
Anyway I really appreciate the high density traffic model set by Bihar Government which ensures use of roads and vehicles to over capacity, also their support to innovation is appreciable. Other states in India must learn from this and implement !!! ha ! ha !!!
cheers !!
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