In giving another boost to our drive to have more & more trees planted this monsoon & observe the output, we decided to have plantation in area where we visit frequently. so that we are able to check the progress & effectiveness of the process we are adopting, to derive any improvement required in the plantation process.
So we selected Ghorawadeshwat hill for the next plantation for the reasons that we visit once in a week to this hill place which is one of the most beautiful and less crowded !! place in our area. (may be for the reason that it is very steep for climbing). This is our most favorite place for weekly visit & now a days our team is able to climb this hill in matter of 8 minutes 🙂
So ….
Here we will be trying plantation with different techniques, observing the results for different type of seeds how it responds, in terms of growth, living rate, are they able to sustain in the monsoon with proper growth etc.
you know what is the most stupid thing he has ? he always thinks that each seed he is going to plant is going to grow 🙂 ha ! ha !! just kidding !!!
So if you even think of becoming member of our team .. or participate in this FONA activities .. go ahead .. put scrap here & u r always welcome .. to be part of team
If you wish to get information on numerous places to visit near PUNE visit the new web page launch WeekEndGetAways – PUNE
Dear Sir,
Excellent initiative!
We are planning to conduct tree-plantation drive on Kanifnath Dongar (Near Dive-Ghat) this Sunday,
Please let me know, where can I find those seeds or saplings.
Also we are in search of proper digging equipments.
Please guide us.
Thanks & Regards.
You are always welcome, you may please give your mobile number so as to call you, we will guide you for sure for the noble cause 🙂
my contact number is 9823225535
email id:
Seeds are available in the following location
PUNE — Near Gokhale nagar Signal chowk —(Signal cowk to Deep -Bangala chowk road)
Mr. Pawar / Raju — 9763604128 this person is regular supplier of seeds to forest dept.
u may plz call him for ur seeds requirement & –he will arrange for U
hope this helps. rgds,
Dear Mahesh,
We want to conduct plantation drive around the small hills in Pune like the one behind symbiosis or Law College. Are you aware of any group that we can connect with
Warmm Regard,
Hi Ashwini, to answer your question, I am not aware of any group as such in that area, however FONA team will always be happy to provide you guidance, to start tree plantation you need not connect to any group, but do it on your own 🙂 it can be three-four persons friends group. If you are not able to get the seeds from the person which I have mentioned on my blog, just contact me. I will be sending an SMS to you as reference. Rgds & all the best for tree plantation drive. Mahesh