Gatari Amavasya as called as Ashad amavasya is the no moon day of Ashad mass (month) and mos of the people celebrate it with non veterinarian food (and liquor now a days) . . in 2021 date for Gatari Amavasya and Akhad Mahotsav is 08 August 2021.
Gatari Amavasya and Akhad Mahotsav date is 08 August 2021 |
This is since they will not be able to eat non veg for next four months. May be traditionally it is done since the season is not so good for digestion and making it tradition forces people to follow like rituals.
Well for my group .. It’s party time again …
One of my college (non-maharastrian) asked me What is meaning of Gatari in Marathi ? & I told him that if you literally mean it translate to Gutter (check wiki for meaning) which is a rain channel along the road side, so it does not mean that you drink much & fall in Gutter ! ha ! ha !! ….
But practically means you have to eat non-veg, drink & enjoy, because After this day you will not eat non-veg for 1 month to 4 months (different people believe differently & do not eat non-veg food for 1 to 4 months).
In my opinion this Tradition is made by ancestors since next months are not so good for heavy eating due to the season, the stomach being working at low efficiency due to rainy season & one should not eat too much heavy food, so to take care of health this rule must have been established !
Also the next month “Shravan” is an auspicious month & many puja’s will take place during this month, so now it is Beginning of month of festivals.
Gatari Amavasya Chicken mutton |
So taking advantage of this Muhurtam 🙂 we decided to have party ……..
I am always happy to see all my Ex-colleague’s in a promotion party 🙂
I always enjoy meeting them again and exchange happenings.
And we all prefer to have party in PCMC area, which is always cool without any crowd and quick service with good quality food. Well and you can be at home within no time after party !
Cheers !!! have HAPPY Gatari Amavasya to ALL 🙂
thanks for dropping in at backpacker and for your comments there..parties and meeting ex colleagues are always great moments 🙂