Last week I visited Hindalga Ganapati Temple, & found very detailed guidelines on how to pray in God in Hindu temples, English translation attempt is made so that it is useful to all of you 🙂
Devachya darshana purvi kay karave
Steps to be followed to Pray Hindu God in Templs
- Remove your footwear outside on left hand side of the temple
- If there is provision, wash your feet, throw water on yourself saying “Apavitrha Pavitro wa”
- Do Namaskar to the temple peak point
- While entering the temple get into Namaskar posture
- While entering the temple touch the steps and then to your head center
- Namaskar to be done to the entry door of temple (Touch it while doing this)
- Enter the temple and walk from left side till you reach the sanctum sanctorum (garbhagriha)
- While returning back you need to take right side
Further instructions
- Ring the bell in low sound
- Pray the god by standing on one side of Nandi or Tortoise idol (which is normally placed in front of all Hindu Gods)
- First look at the feet of God, concentrate, at last look at the eyes of god
- If you wish to submit flowers, do not throw them, keep it at feet of god, if not possible keep in front of god.
Pradakshina kashya ghalavyat
प्रदक्षणा कश्या कराव्या
Pradakshana (Moving around the God while praying him)
- Before you start pradakshana, pray the god
- Take rounds around God in Namaskar position
- Do not touch the sanctum sanctorum (garbhagriha)
- When you reach back side of sanctum sanctorum (garbhagriha) pray to god (Namskar)
- If it is god even number of rounds shall be taken, and if Goddess then odd numbers
- After each round stand in front and pray god before taking next round
Pradakshine nantar kay karave
प्रदक्षिणे नंतर काय करावे
What after Pradakshana (What next after Taking rounds to the temple from outside)
- You can do prayers (Normally you will find them stucked onto the walls)
- Take holy water in right hand, touch wet hand to eyes, forehead, head, neck
- Bend down slightly while you take holy water and Prasad
- You can do Nam Jap (Praying god) while taking Prasad
- While you leave the temple, pray once again
- While you are leaving from outside, again pray looking at the temple top (Kalas)
Kuldevtechya nama japache mahatva
कुलदैवतेचा नाम जप करावा
I hope this English translation will help you knowing more about how to, what to, why to regarding Praying at Hindu God Temples.
|| Jai Shri Ram ||
कर्नाटकच्या मंदिरात मराठीतून माहिती
खूपच छान