I think way back our respected PM began #CleanMyIndia drive and as most of us do I also ignored saying that it is not possible 🙁 I am ashamed to have such Ever mind …. When good thoughts peculate with good friends like Jayawant, Vinesh, Manoj and mentor like Mahesh Mahajan sir (Founder President of FONA) … Things start looking positive …
Believe in #CleanMyIndia drive & WE CAN DO IT …
So the story began with my discussion with Jayawant & Vinesh thinking that we will begin from our own area … Just giving a snap shot of exact spot where we were standing (it is entrance of our society) .. Just look at it …. all are looking the same scene every day but no one bothered about it !! I think we are so used to see garbage everywhere that we even do not notice it !!!
Look at what happened today after 15 days and second round of #CleanMyIndia drive …
Advertisements removed, name plate of area cleaned, garbage removed … and we have determined to ensure sustenance of this with one year awareness program, things are tough but let’s do it 🙂
Now let’s get glimpse of around 1 square kilomter area of Sukhnagari in Bijalingar area of Pune
This is before we began our #CleanMyIndia Drive by FONA (Friends Of Nature Association)
And once we had discussion on initiating #CleanMyIndia drive first thought was to do it Friday evening .. only three of us …. which later converted into let’s involve all other societies and PCMC staff .. We called upon our corporator Mauli Suryawanshi & Ashatai Suryawanshi & got positive response .. Both promised to be present for the awareness presentation by me & Vinesh on Plastics & Rain water harvesting as well as be present for the cleaning drive on Sunday 🙂
Further they suggested to prove official letter to Assistant Commissioner of our area to get official support from PCMC which we immediately drafted and handed over by getting into PCMC B-Divisional office. The Health officer also supported and promised to be present during cleaning drive. Things were looking positive. We went on to meet Mahesh Mahajan sir to get guidance since it was first drive by FONA Chinchwad and he surprised us by not only providing guidance, FONA projector but he personally participated the cleaning drive alongwith all FONA Talegaon members (Mandar, Nikalje, Tanaya, Suparna, Rohit, Dr. Sorte – President FONA) It was great support indeed.
Saturday we had presentation on Plastics & Rain Water Harvesting (I will write separate blogpost on that) and Sunday morning we began our CleanMyIndia drive.
100 % members including Maulit Surhyawanshi, Ashatai, Mahesh sir, PCMC staff were present at 8 am 🙂
And look at the participation … children … youngsters … senior citizens … PCMC staff … Senior officials from PCMC … Wow … We will try to get more support from the local residents as we progress in this drive .. sustenance is important for us ..
This was result of ~5 hours of working by all team together … results were excellent ..
And we decided to have second round of cleaning in 15 days which was today 22nd May …. Observation was that roads were clean to great extent … Most of the garbage consisted of tree trunks, coconut tree trunks only .. but to my surprise fresh advertisement boards were put on .. we almost removed 30 boards again …. Now we have decided to remove them as soon as someone puts it on … let’s see how it goes …
Here is photograph of our area after 15 days of first #CleanMyIndia campaign … Definitely looking great …. with more corrections, colouring, repair of MSEB boxes it will improve in future ….
Sustenance ensured #CleanMyIndia
Further to this we visited the Solid waste management plant of PCMC which is situated at Moshi …. I will be writing in great details about their hard life and 24×7 efforts to keep the garbage under control separately … I am sure once you visit this plant you will realize the kind of damage we all are doing to Mother Nature 🙁 You have to realise responsibility at our part …. Read in details in next blog post …
What’s Next (Sustainable #CleanMyIndia Planning for my area)
- #CleanMyIndia drive at least once in a month on mass scale basis
- Efforts to get more and more residents contributing to the drive, this will take time since we need to talk each one in person
- Education of residents about waste management (Specially Children) through presentations and discussions
- Arrange a trip to PCMC solid waste management facility to get seriousness on why this is must
- Removal of advertisements on regular basis (Call to advertisers and let them know this is cognizable offence)
- Repair and painting of MSEB boxes
- Removal of bushes near to MSEB Transformers
- Think on hanging cables all over in area (Legal process, which will be difficult since we have to fight local giants of cable network)
- For one tree at the entrance try solution used in Gajanan Maraj Temple Shegaon to control falling waste and collect it at single place
Great initiative .